Super Task - Legacy
Once the actor begins to perform there is no more story, no series of events, there is just the goal and the battle to get there.
Engaging the actor’s real feelings and emotions through the purpose and intention of the character
Single payment
Course Goals
Lesson 1: Understanding Super Task
Assignment 1
Lesson 2: Realism vs Naturalism
Assignment 2 Explanation
Assignment 2 Scenes
Assignment 2
Lesson 3: Searching the Themes
Assignment 3
Lesson 4: Defining your Role’s Super Task
Assignment 4
Lesson 5: Making it Personal
Assignment 5
Lesson 6: Bringing Definition to the Battle
Assignment 6
Lesson 7: The Arc of the Character
Assignment 7
Lesson 8: Scene Objective and Super Task
Assignment 8
Lesson 9: The Inner Monologue
Assignment 9
Lesson 10: Realizing the Thread
Assignment 10: Final Project